Upcoming Events
WSH Forum 2025
Join industry experts, thought leaders, and practitioners at the WSH Forum 2025 which will include discussions on the latest strategies, innovations, and best practices in workplace safety and health (WSH) for the Facilities Management industry.
SPMA is a supporting partner of SIFMA for the event and SPMA members can enjoy member pricing at $60 per ticket (instead of the non-member price of $70).
FAOPMA Pest Summit 2025- Penang, Malaysia
The Federation of Asia Oceania Pest Managers (FAOPMA) Pest Summit 2025 will take place in Penang, Malaysia on 14 – 16 July, 2025, at St Giles, Wembley Penang. Registration is now open, and details about pricing and available packages can be found below.
Past Events
FAOPMA Pest Summit 2024 - Mumbai, India
FAOPMA-Pest Summit 2022 Kyoto Japan
Wildlife Management; Genesis
VCOs who handle wildlife and would like to know more, personnel in other organizations who may come into contact with wildlife in their course of duty. There will be a Q & A session so get your questions ready.
Webinar - Dengue Management & Techniques 2021
FAOPMA-Pest Summit 2021
FAOPMA Pest Summit 2020 Virtual Conference
SPMA-NEA Webinar: Managing Dengue Vectors and German Cockroaches in the Midst of Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many countries to enforce lockdown measures to protect their populace. While lockdown measures saw many businesses suffering direct impact, especially in food and beverages (F&B), airline, hospitality and tourism segment, the collateral effect of lockdown measures can be felt significantly on public health management, especially proliferation of dengue cases and German cockroach infestation.
Having identified this growing public health threat, Singapore Pest Management Association (SPMA) has collaborated with National Environment Agency (NEA) to conduct a webinar to address and discuss on management dengue vectors and German cockroaches in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic.
This webinar could not have happened at a better timing, in between World Pest Day on 6th June 2020 and ASEAN Dengue Day on 15th June 2020 – both targeted at two groups of important pests as the core of the webinar, which are Aedes mosquitoes and German cockroaches.
Hosted by Mr Darian Ee, council member of SPMA, the webinar saw total of 861 participants from 17 countries. The panel comprised of distinguished speakers, Dr Chong Chee Seng from Environmental Health Institute, NEA, Singapore and Prof Dr Lee Chow Yang from University of California, Riverside, USA.
President of SPMA, Mr Andrew Chan started the webinar with his opening address, acknowledging the challenges faced by pest management companies due to Covid-19 pandemic, and how essential their services are on the forefront in keeping pests and diseases at bay.
As first speaker, Dr Chong Chee Seng presented about current management effort by NEA and their partners on dengue and its vector, Aedes mosquitoes. One of the notable discussion points was on how Singapore’s circuit breaker has influenced concentrated human activity in residential areas due to work-from-home measures, which becomes a consideration to study current dengue transmission. The rise of a different strain of dengue virus, DENV-3 and mosquito breeding have been identified as key factors in current rise in dengue cases. Project Wolbachia and gravitrap surveillance were highlighted as part of Singapore’s dengue management programme.
On German cockroach activity during lockdown measures, Prof Dr Lee Chow Yang presented a crucial overview on the importance of maintaining cockroach management programme in kitchens. While F&B establishments are still allowed to operate for only takeaway and delivery, many businesses opt to cancel or suspend pest management programme despite continuity of kitchen operations. This would pose health hazard with proliferation of pests, especially German cockroaches, in kitchens without consistent pest management and housekeeping.
SPMA thanks NEA, Dr Chong Chee Seng, Prof Dr Lee Chow Yang, and all the participants, agencies and associations for supporting this webinar to its tremendous success.
Pest Management Sectoral Tripartite Committee (PM STC) - Thursday 20th February 2020 At ENV Building
Following the announcement in April 2019, the pest management is now integrated with the Environmental Services Industry Transformation Map (ESITM) together with the cleaning and waste management sectors. The National Environment Agency (NEA) which is the lead agency for the Environmental Services Industry Transformation Map (ITM), has initiated the plan to develop a roadmap to transform the industry.
A manpower study followed by a visioning workshop which was attended by about 120 participants across the industry were conducted last year. These were organized to gain first hand information and an in-dept overview of the industry including market sizes, range of services provided, manpower profiles & projections together with key recommendations to transform the industry.
The Pest Management Sectorial Tripartite Committee (PM STC) was convened on Thursday 20 February 2020 to discuss the recommendations of the study and to gather inputs from all stakeholders on the development and implementation of the Environmental Services Industrial Transformation Map. The meeting was chaired by the Chief Executive Officer of NEA Mr Tan Meng Dui and consists of members of government agencies, unions, service providers and service buyers. The Dy Chairman of the Committee includes the Dy CEO of NEA Mr Khoo Seow Poh, Mr Zainal Sapari Assistant Secretary General (NTUC) and Mr Andrew Chan President SPMA. The other Councilors who were also invited and representing their own companies to attend the meeting included Mr Ng Say Kiat, Gavin Raj and Vincent Teo.
The Terms of Reference for the Pest Management STC include:
A) Provide guidance and inputs on the development and implementation of the Pest Management component of the Industry Transformation Map (ITM) in the areas of productivity & standards, jobs & skills, technology & innovation, and trade & internationalization.
B) Provide insights on industry challenges and barriers that impede industry transformation, and identify potential opportunities to facilitate industry growth and transformation.
C) Support implementation of the ITM from Trade Associations & Chambers, service providers, service buyers, unions and stakeholders
D) Propose communication and engagement strategies for greater impact on driving productivity at both the enterprise and sector level
The Committee is scheduled to meet twice yearly and with the conclusion of the meeting on 20 February, it is expected that more transformation initiatives will be introduced soon.
Chinese New Year Lo-Hei Dinner 2020
It was indeed a celebration that was unforgettable! SPMA’s CNY Lo-Hei dinner was a blast on 7 February 2020, filled with spirit of camaraderie, well wishes and hopeful outlook for Year of Rat – more pertinent than ever in light of COVID-19 that was gaining foothold in Singapore that week.
Graced by honourable guests from National Environment Agency (NEA), led by CEO of NEA Mr Tan Meng Dui, the Lo-Hei dinner saw turnout of 147 guests comprising of SPMA members, industry partners, and sponsors.
In his CNY address, President Andrew Chan thanked NEA for their continuous support to the SPMA’s efforts in upholding the standards of pest management industry through industry transformation map. He also thanked all members of SPMA for being the integral part of the association, from the beginning, through the present, and into the new frontier forward for such transformation. Acknowledging the onset of COVID-19, the President stresses on the health and welfare of pest management employees, contractors and customers, and encourages all to play role in minimising the outbreak.
SPMA was grateful for generous sponsorship by main sponsor, FMC Agro Singapore Pte Ltd and co-sponsors Sumitomo Chemical Asia Pte Ltd, Agro Technic Pte Ltd and BASF South East Asia Pte Ltd, together with lucky draw gifts by many sponsors.
Despite of onset of COVID-19, organising committee led by Vincent Tan and assisted by Hazel Lim was swift in implementing preventive measures together with venue management team of Orchid Country Club. Health screening and declaration was implemented at guest registration and the guests were provided with ample supply of hand sanitizers throughout the entire event.

Pest Management Industry Visioning Workshop

Date: 9 September 2019
As part of efforts towards developing pest management industry under Environmental Services Industry Transformation Map (ESITM), National Environment Agency (NEA) organised Pest Management Industry Visioning Workshop with KPMG Services Pte Ltd on 9 September 2019 in Suntec City Convention Centre. This half-day workshop was declared open by SPMA President Mr Andrew Chan and attended by over 150 participants from all levels of stakeholders, from Singapore Pest Management Association and its members, to tertiary education institutions.
This workshop provided a platform for the industry to shape the future of the industry, to co-develop a bold achievable vision for the industry and to inspire transformation efforts. Before the participants were engaged in facilitated group-level discussion on critical aspects of the industry needs, there was a joint presentation by NEA and KPMG on their preliminary findings from a recent manpower study conducted by them since August to explore the challenges faced by pest management industry.
The focus of the workshop was to (1) develop a vision for the future of Pest Management industry, (2) to articulate goals for the Pest Management industry’s transformation effort, and to (3) co-create strategies to achieve the desired vision for the industry. It was a common hope shared by all that through this series of efforts, all industry partners would be motivated to shift mindset on the ways to run businesses in this complex operating environment, and to continue exploring all areas for transformation to ensure that Pest Management industry will be built into one that is vibrant, sustainable and professional.
We would like to thank all participants of the SPMA Futsal Challenge 2019 and congratulations to the winner!
Download the results here.

Singapore Urban Pest Management Forum 2019
We’d like to thank all participants of the 2019 Singapore Urban Pest Management Forum! Click here to view and download photos of the event.