Read the latest news from the SPMA team.
Technical, Skills and Training sub-committee (TST) FEBRUARY 2025 UPDATE
The TST sub-committee has helped to organize a NEA ECO construction site rodent surveillance webinar! Taking place on 14 March, 2025, the webinar will include case studies on the issue which will give participants fresh insights on the matter.
The webinar is FREE and interested members can register for the event here: https://go.gov.sg/registerforecowebinar2025.
Members can also look forward to a CPMS webinar in March! Hosted by SPMA, the webinar will include representatives from NEA, who will give participants an overview of CPMS and elaborate in detail on the scheme.
More details on both training events will be released soon!
Institutional Agencies sub-committee (IA) January 2025 UPDATE
On 22 January 2025, the Institutional Agencies (IA) subcommittee visited NParks HQ for a meeting. The objective of the meeting was to get to know SPMA IA subcommittee members and NParks team members, while catching up on progresses made in wildlife management.
SPMA and NParks exchanged updates on Animal Management Training Certification programme, glue board restrictions, and other enforcement/operational matters pertaining pest management and wildlife encounters.
For many years, SPMA and NParks have been engaging to work together and discuss on the above matters. SPMA thanks NParks for working closely together and we look forward for closer collaboration for wildlife cause and professionalism in animal management.
Technical, Skills and Training sub-committee (TST) January 2025 update
The TST sub-committee has been working hard to put together their first SPMA training event – a webinar on Comprehensive Pest Management Survey (CPMS). This CPMS webinar will include a NEA speaker, who will give participants an overview of CPMS and elaborate in detail on the scheme. Hosted by SPMA, the webinar will take place in March
Additionally, SPMA will also be collaborating with NEA on their upcoming ECO(SCS) webinar for construction sites. This NEA's ECO (SCS) webinar will be held on 14 March 2025, and SPMA will speak about rodent surveillance for construction sites. It will also include case studies on the issue which will give participants fresh insights on the matter.
More details on both training events will be released soon!
Technical, Skills and Training (TST)
The newly formed Technical, Skills and Training (TST) subcommittee gathered on 13 November 2024 for the first time for a brainstorming session. The subcommittee members are Candy Wong, Joleen Goh, Nicole Zycinski-Singh and Raymond Goh (in alphabetical order), and are supported by the office bearers of the current Governing Council.
The TST subcommittee discussed potential seminar topics that will be beneficial to SPMA members for the 2025 calendar. The subcommittee is also responsible to uphold industry standards with relevant stakeholders such as institutes of higher learning (IHL). With that, the subcommittee also discussed identifying potential technical collaborations with service buyer groups.
Stay tuned to find out SPMA's plans for seminars and other technical collaborations!
Member Affairs and Communications (MAC)
The MAC sub-committee - which consists of Mr Jason Chan, Mr Mohamed Lukman Yusof, Mr Fazly Ahmad, Mr Vincent Teo - have started making plans for various social activities and events for 2025.
Members can look forward to potential activites such as regular coffee meet-ups for networking, CSR activities such as litter picking, festive celebrations and sports events such as futsal. More information about upcoming events will be released soon!
Institutional Agencies sub-committee (IA)
The IA sub-committee - which consists of Mr Glen Aw Yong, Mr Heng Yiwei, Mr Philip Tan, Mr Pierce Chan and Mr Victor Chan - have started their work as frontline representatives for SPMA to various stakeholders. Aside from attending meetings and participating in discussions on behalf of the pest management industry, they will also be focal points between SPMA and stakeholders for any action items from the respective meetings and discussions.
Moving forward the sub-committee will also work with their fellow council members to maintain communications with agencies that SPMA has been regularly working with. The sub-committee members will also push to increase communications with high-impact agencies with whom SPMA has had lower contact.
SPMA 38TH Annual General Meeting
After SPMA’s 38th AGM on Sept 6, 19 council members were elected for the SPMA Council 2024-2027. Six council members were also selected by the entire council to be office bearers. You can check our council profile here.
SPMA 37TH Annual General Meeting
The Association held the 37th Annual General Meeting on 15 Sep 2023 at Orchid Country Club. Twenty-three members took time from their busy schedules to attend the meeting.

Coronavirus update: a letter from our president
We understand some of our members are concerned about the provision of pest management services during the Covid-19 pandemic. All should be aware that the pest management industry has already been integrated with the Environmental Services Industry Transformation Map (ESITM) together with the cleaning and waste management sectors. This is a recognition that pest management is part of the essential public health services.…read more